Deep Machine Translation Workshop 2016, Lisbon



The Deep Machine Translation Workshop (DMTW), organized by the QTLeap Project, took place at the University of Lisbon, on October 21, 2016.

This was the second workshop on “Deep Machine Translation“. The first one was held in Prague in 2015.

The DMTW goal was to bring together researchers and students working on machine translation approaches and technology using “deep understanding”.

Workshop on Deep Language Processing for Quality Machine Translation (DeepLP4QMT)



On 10 September 2016,  the QTLeap team organized the Workshop on Deep Language Processing for Quality Machine Translation (DeepLP4QMT) in conjunction with AIMSA conference, Varna, Bulgaria.

Invited talks were given by: Francis Bond (Nanyang Technological University) and Josef van Genabith (DFKI).

The workshop enjoyed big interest also from non-project members.


PROPOR-International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese

PROPOR2016 organized and supported by the QTLeap project.



PROPOR – International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese is the main scientific meeting in the area of language and speech technologies for the Portuguese language and on the basic and applied research issues related to this language.

The 12th edition of the PROPOR Conferences took place in Tomar, Portugal, 13-15 July 2016.


Workshop on Corpora and Tools for Processing Corpora

Co-organized by QTLeap project 

Follow up of the ELRC Lisbon Workshop

The Workshop on Corpora and Tools for Processing Corpora took place in Tomar, Portugal, July 13, 2016, co-located with PROPOR 2016.


It was a very successful workshop highly participated with presentations on language resources suitable to support statistical machine translation from/into Portuguese and on processing tools for their preparation.

The workshop also contributed to exchange ideas and disseminate best practices that help to foster the ELRC and CEF.AT initiatives.

The Workshop Proceedings are available in English and Portuguese, in a folha.


QTLeap Project organises the META-FORUM in Lisbon


The organization of META-FORUM 2016 was supported by the University of Lisbon, under the responsibility of António Branco, and by the QTLeap project.

The META-FORUM 2016 in Lisbon was an event highly participated, full of interesting presentations, discussions, keynotes, invited speeches and posters.

António Branco, Coordinator of QTLeap Project, participated in the Opening and Closing Sessions of META-FORUM 2016 Conference and also presented the key results and achievements of QTLeap.

QTLeap Project took part on the first Poster Session of META-FORUM 2016.






Photos by Sergio Miguel (NC Produções)


2nd Workshop on Semantics-Driven Machine Translation (SedMT2016)



The 2nd Workshop on Semantics-Driven Machine Translation (SedMT), workshop co-organized by QTLeapProject, took place in San Diego, California, USA, June 16, 2016, co-located with NAACL 2016.


SedMT 2016 QTLeap Best Paper Award


SedMT 2016 will award a best paper award to papers that advance MT with lexical semantics and deep language processing. The award is sponsored by QTLeap Project.

The winner of the prize will be announced at the workshop. The award  is a voucher of 500€ (Euro).


Deep Machine Translation Workshop 2015


The QTLeap project organizes the Deep Machine Translation Workshop.

The first Deep Machine Translation Workshop take place in Prague, Czech Republic, on 3rd-4th September 2015.

It aims at bringing together researchers and students working on machine translation approaches and technology using “deep understanding”.

Submissions are invited on aspects of deep language analysis, generation and natural language understanding in direct or indirect relation with Machine Translation.

Collocated events:

-    YRRSDS (Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems for PhDs, PostDocs & New Researchers), August 31 – September 1, 2015.

-    SIGdial (Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue), September 2-4, 2015.

-    MTM (Machine Translation Marathon), September 7-12, 2015.


Ninth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST-9) collocated with NAACL2015



The  SSST-9 will take place June 4, 2015, Denver, Colorado, collocated with NAACL2015 - Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics – Human Language Technologies.

Co-organized by QTLeap project  and partially funded by the European Commission (FP7-ICT-2013-10-610516).


SSST-9 QTLeap Best Paper Award


This year SSST-9 will award a best paper award among papers which advance MT using lexical semantics and deep language processing.

This award is sponsored by the QTLeap project. The winner of the prize will be announced at the workshop, and will win an Amazon voucher of €500.


Researchers from QTLeap are the local organizers of the 10th DELPH-IN Summit in Tomar, Portugal


The colleagues from the University of Lisbon are the local organizers of the 10th DELPH-IN meeting – Deep Linguistic Processing with HPSG. It will be held in Tomar from 14 July to 18 July 2014. More than 30 participants will share their experiences on the development of Deep Grammars for various languages. More info can be found at:  http://moin.delph-in.net/TomarTop

vista geral tomar castelo de tomar


QTLeap researchers are among the organizers of 9th SaLTMiL Workshop
Co-located with LREC-2014


lrec wksp UPV

QTLeap researchers are among the organizers of 9th SaLTMiL Workshop on “Free/open-Source Language Resources for the Machine Translation of Less-Resourced Languages”, co-located with LREC-2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 27th May 2014.


QTLeap co-organizes WMT2014 (collocated with ACL 2014)



Ondřej Bojar (CUNI) co-organizes WMT2014 – 9th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation to be held in Baltimore, USA, on 26-27 June 2014, collocated with ACL2014 – The Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

This year’s workshop will feature five shared tasks: a translation task, a quality estimation task, a task to test automatic evaluation metrics, a medical text translation task.

In addition to the shared tasks, the workshop will also feature scientific papers on topics related to MT.

QTLeap Project co-organizer of LDL-2014
Co-located with LREC-2014



QTLeap Project is co-organizer of LDL-2014, the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing, co-located with LREC-2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 27th May 2014.
